October 17, 2007

Why WoW is utterly broken

Yes. I admit it: I started playing WoW again. I was convinced by Tzirrit – the plan sounded too reasonable: escape the WoW grindmill by leveling our chars to level 29 or 39. Outfit them with some nice low level instance and other equipment and enjoy the accessibility and coolness of WoW in the Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin PvP battlegrounds – while waiting for the release or beta test of Warhammer Online or Pirates of the Burning Sea.

My subscription will end in a few weeks. We both underestimated the stupidity of people. Our chars are now in the early 20s, the frustration hit at lv19 while trying out the 10-19 Warsong Gulch. My char was somewhat nice equipped, with some loot from Ragefire Chasm and the Wailing Caverns. With some more planning, there could also have been items from Shadowfang Keep, but well, we were planning for the lv29 or lv39 battlegrounds anyways. Warsong Gulch 10-19 was just for fun, but the fun quickly vanished like a rogue using sneak.

We 1st started with a warrior / paladin duo on the PvE shard Baelgun, but the server and PvP server cluster quickly made us change the server: the waiting line for lv10 WSG was 1-2 hours, and it didn't get any better at lv 20ish. Thus, we switched to the Blackmoore PvP server. And that was were the frustration really hit me: It turned out we were not the only ones with the idea to enjoy some low level PvP. Every (!) level range (10-19, 20-29, 30-39,...) PvP battleground is full of imba-twinks. Expect them to wear the best available equipment (blues or even world drop epics) for the concerning range, with the most powerful enchantments (+100 health, Zul-Gurub-Enchant, fiery weapon, crusader,...) with the worth of several 100 gold. Here's what happens when you encounter one of those: klick.

If you don't invest several hundred gold in your low level character, expect that you will have an item-based (not skill-based!) competitive disadvantage of several hundred or even thousand health/mana and quite a lot of DPS. Here are two profiles of those twinks: Imba-Rogue Âo, or Imba-Rogue Grimlitz. Same thing for higher levels.

Well, I don't have those 500g. And I will also not contact one of those Asdfjklm-Chars spamming the capital city chats to exchange virtual money for real money. Even if I get very good equipment for the desired level range, I'll still won't have all those enchantments and rare world drop items and have several hundred health and several XXish DPS less than the main-char-financed twinks. I might still get some skill-based killing blows, but still get killed a lot due to crusader crits or just because that +20 stamina enchantment ate all of my burst damage.

I knew that WoW = money/time >>> skill. I had hoped this was not the case for everything /quit WoW, /uninstall.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You could have picked better twinks/armoury profiles to denounce. Those two seem to be missing some of the better equipment and the "real" good enchantments, like the libram of constotution (+100 hp to any head gear, see http://thottbot.com/i11642).

However, the point is valid. WoW is broken beyond repair. Gear is everythink (and in the rare cases where is it not, classes are, especially in the lower levels). It's grind or die.. no matter what level you are at. The only difference seems to be the amount of time, required to get your hands on most of the items, which is a bit lower at those levels.

And still, the only idea Blizzard came up with is to raise the level bar to yet new heights.. moar eppixxx... moar grind!

Anonymous said...

When I raised my one and only twink(tazmo, a trollmage on kdv). I discovered a similar behavior. But i had the feeling that it, especially at warsong-gulch, doesn't affect the game-balance. Warsong-Gulch is something about surprising your enemy or choosing different "runaways". But when tazmo reached 60 the "scissor" between Gear and Skill became very huge. So i guess i've to aggree ;)