June 09, 2008

Capture the Egg

The Icewind Gorge is a menacing place. A place from which the living do not return. A place where the icy wind chills the breath of the incautious adventurer. Atop the peak of which the Icewind River emerges, Gmaug the Broodwatcher, keeper of the frostwyrm hatchlings, resides. Only during a short period in the winter, when the cold chill even partially freezes a dragon's wings, he returns to Icewind Peak from his flying patrols over the slumbering broodmothers, resting uneasily for a change towards a less chilling howl of the winds.

The moment scouts of the Goblin Henchmen and the Dwarven Merceneries have been waiting for months has come. A short timeframe has opened up to steal frostwyrm eggs from the slumbering Broodmothers, eggs of unmeasurable value to alchemists and nobles. Dispending messengers to the taverns in the south, they place large bountys on every frostwyrm egg being brought to them.

Despite the danger of angering the Broodwatcher, driven by the opportunity of great wealth and celebrity within their country, groups of mighty warriors gather at the Icewing Gorge to fight for the frostwyrm eggs. To bring their hero's journey to completion. To seek a fortunate ending for their adventurous lifes.

Prepare for battle, adventurers! The coldest time of winter in Icewind Gorge will soon have come. Tales will be told about your theft of the frostwyrm eggs. Tales of brave men that escaped the anger of Gmaug the Broodwatcher. Tales of wrathful screams of the Broodmothers, mourning the loss of their hatchlings. Tales of heroes. Heroes that captured an egg.

Capture the Egg - a Warcraft3 map project by Tzirrit and Tjuhl. Release 2008.