May 19, 2009

CtE release "soon"

After a lengthier job-related break on the "Capture the Egg" Warcraft III mod project, Tzirrit and I got back to this uncut diamond a few weeks ago. I am happy to announce that the diamond is now approaching its final polish and that we will release version 1.0 of "Capture the Egg" "soon", meaning when we feel it is ready to be released to the public (which actually really is "soon").

"Capture the Egg" will feature intense King of the Hill ruleset Team PvP action with some of the best RPG classes you'll have ever played on the and far beyond. Feel free to check out the class sneak peak for the Protector, the Thunderer, the Crusader, and the Berserker on the project website. Additional unique, compelling, and exceptional quality classes are planned for post-release patches.

I'm officially smart

Just graduated, well actually about a month ago. I am now a "Diplom-Kaufmann", the German equivalent to the Master of Business Administration.

The topic of my thesis: "The Development of a Price Control Mechanism for MMORPGs", which you can download at db-thueringen (click on "[Dateien anzeigen]" to view the .pdf file).